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courtesy of picturesof.net |
Guess what? This is my tenth blog entry! Isn’t that awesome? I know you’re just as excited as I am. We should celebrate. Let’s have a party. Right now.
Anyway, in my last entry, I talked a great deal about the stresses of Hell Week. What I’m discovering, however, is that the crunch time can really increase one’s focus. I’ve been so much more productive recently that I haven’t felt the huge deal of stress that I was anticipating. That’s not to say this week has been easy, but it’s manageable. Things are actually starting to wrap up for the semester. There’s still a lot left, but I think I’ll be able to leave for vacation on Tuesday – pretty cool, right?
There’s still a long list of tasks to be completed. Luckily, I don’t have a final exam to worry about for the Art and Science of Management. We had a cumulative exam a couple weeks ago, and right now, my group and I are finishing up our final paper for project as the imaginary computer company Zammcom. We didn’t do as well as we had hoped. Fine... We got last place. We had a good idea of what we were doing, but had a major over-sight in our third week of decision-making. We had opened up two new locations to sell computers, but somehow we missed the section of hiring employees for those locations. So we ended up with three offices, but only one actually producing computer. That was a big waste of money.
In environmental science, I am going to be working on my take-home final. Our professor has emphasized several times that we are not permitted to discuss the exam with anyone. That includes you. Sorry! In calculus, our final exam will be online and I believe it will be posted on Tuesday. This is a cumulative exam, so I have a lot of reviewing to do!
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courtesy of studenthacks.org |
Biology is just in love with giving us tests. I had a biology lab practical exam on Monday which tested us on the material covered all semester in lab. It wasn’t as bad as I anticipated, but I could’ve gotten by without it. Also, we have our fourth exam this Friday. Following close behind is our final exam – the first final exam at Clark University – 8:00 AM on Tuesday. The exam will be all multiple choice, a change from our past exams which were multiple choice and short answer. While multiple choice questions can be tricky, I am glad that the exam will be formatted that way. It makes it easier for studying purposes.
From now until my Biology exam, I am going to eat, sleep, and do work. That’s it. I probably won’t be tucked away in the depths of the library like most Clark students, but I can concentrate just as well in my room. The dorm I’m in was renovated over the summer and each floor has a study room which has served me well all semester. The only down side is one wall is entirely windows and it’s located in the lounge, so seeing other people playing Monopoly and watching tv can be distracting. I don’t think that will be a problem this week though. Vacation, here I come!